Four different ways that you can support
Buy seedlings
Partner for capacity building
Purchase products made by the women
Donate money directly
Buy seedlings
Support continued nursery care of the seedlings
Support the purchase of the safety and transport materials
Provide alternative income source by compensating the community for the labor in planting the seedlings
Capacity building and training
The current needs you can help with:
Help the women build an office. Their office space acts as a meeting space for them, storage for their produce (honey, crafts) as well as a hosting space for the visitors to Munje community.
Help purchase supporting assets such as solar energy - the women’s offices are not currently connected to electricity.
Funding to help purchase laptops for bookkeeping and education purposes for the women and youth group.
Provide education and training in agriculture, food safety, language training, hospitality training, tech and conservation literacy and production processing.
Purchase products made by the women
Buy the great baskets, mats, fans and food covers weaved by the women using their traditional weaving methods that had been passed down through generations. The processing of the raw reed involves, bleaching the chlorophyll, dying the reed in different colors then stripping the reed to size.
This is how long it roughly takes for products to be made:
Basket: 1 week to complete
Mat: 1 week to 1 month depending on size
Fans: 1 week
Purchase the pure and raw honey the women harvest from their beehives. Currently the women manage and harvest 18 hives.
Support their continued efforts of mangrove reforestation in addition to providing income for the labor efforts of the women and youth they work with.
Existing partnerships
CORDIO East Africa has partnered with the Women of Munje by providing the women with beehives, training on harvesting honey and the necessary protective gear for caring for the beehives.
The organization has also been instrumental in providing record of the women’s journey through video and imagery, ( we have featured CORDIO’s video of the women on our site).
The organization is known for supporting women’s groups along the coast of Kenya in endeavors of bee keeping.
Base Titanium is the local Kenyan subsidiary of the Base Resources group, an Australian-based, African-focused, mineral sands producer and developer.
The company has a commitment to extensive and effective community programs and a commitment to operating in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.
Their partnership with the women include purchasing of seedlings as well as teams from the company supporting the women in planting the seedlings in the forests.
CES is a volunteer-led community organisation. They have worked with the women to provide training and helped them produce products to be sold at festivals and online.