Munje Tunusuru woman’s story
Meet 30 inspiring women regenerating Mangrove forests on Kenya’s Funzi island.
Video Courtesy of CORDIO East Africa.
The group began as a self help women’s group of 25 that has grown to 30 active members. Their main goal was to replant much of the mangrove forest that had been lost due to economic factors and the environmental effects that they observed in their community.
The women sought education through the Kenya Foresty and Marine in understanding the correct species in their area and the seasons that the seedlings would need to be planted to thrive and not die in the mud.
The multigenerational group of women, have tremendous support for each other, identifying strengths of each individual down to their learning habits and advocating for each other.
Photo credit: Conservation Education Society
Mission and history
Main activities
Reforesting 70+ hectares of degraded mangrove areas, taking care of seedlings and nurseries.
Regular beach cleans, covering the area of 2km. Waste washed up to the beach is collected and recycled into products.
Using traditional methods, the women weave baskets, hats, fans and other produce to sell at local markets and events.
The women are currently managing 18 bee hives, making and selling artisanal honey at local markets.
The women are engaged in community workshops and sell produce at the regularly held festivals and markets.
Provide an avenue for training, education and innovation for the community at Munje.
Through partnerships, collaborations, and other intermittent engagements, we aim for community empowerment, from the youth, the women, the men and the community at large.
The community holds great value for their culture and practices, which are passed along through generations. Conserving and sustaining these traditions as well as the environment that they live and thrive in, remains the goal.
To empower a community at a national and global level as a beacon of a community true to itself and serving as an example of sustainability and countering the effects of climate change in their immediate community.
NGO Goals
Priority needs
Continue in their efforts of reforestation and the conservation of the mangrove forest;
Provide the Kenyan coast with needed seedlings for reforestation in other areas;
Support their community through alternative sources of income, removing the reliance on the mangrove forest;
Build capacity in training and initiatives such as tourism activities in the Munje area.
Achievements to date
Conservation awareness
From their efforts and organization in mangrove planting, seedling prep and other businesses the women are involved in, it has been clear to the community the importance of conservation of their environment.
Improved fishing
For the fishermen, there is more catch when they go to the waters ( prawns being fished the most due to conducive environments)
Reduction of tree cutting
There has been significant reduction of tree cutting both from the mangrove forest but also from other tree species that were under threat in the Munje area.
Youth development
For the children and youth, organizations such as CES, have supported the women in presenting the importance of protecting marine life, gaining support from the young in the community. The young men and women have self organized into a group of 50 that consistently support the women in mangrove planting efforts.
Improved standard of living
The home lives of the women and their families have seen change as some are able to purchase fridges for their juice businesses, others are able to construct formal toilets for their families, while others are bale to support their children in furthering their education.